Year End 2020

Well…….. we did it.

We went around again.

This was the year of unthinkable thinks.

Just… like… what happened? Who happened? Why? Just weird stuff…. all the time.

The world entered a pandemic, basically.

Presidential election happened, which seemed to change everyone’s personality traits for some reason.

And also, as a family, we made some major life changes.

I started a part time job.

I decided to go back to school.

Oh – you know, just both of those things….

Rich began working from home and didn’t stop.

He’s never done that before.

The kids entered remote learning and didn’t stop.

They’ve never done that before.

We bought a house.

We didn’t plan on doing that this year.

We got a dog.

I never thought we would do that.

Oh – and now we have lizards too.

Plus all the regular human children we have of course.

So if you’re wondering…. the answer is yes. We drink a lot.

The year started very nice and normal. Finn was in hockey. Viv was in preschool, full day, three days a week and she LOVED it. Harry was swimming and playing in 5th grade band. Theo was in half day Kindergarten, so he and I got a lot of extra time together.

I took the big boys to the nearest ski spot so they can start learning, because I need friends to ski with. They both did really great! Of course, much to my terror/pride, Finn was off the bunny hill and on the regular ski lift in only a couple hours. So he’s up for the number one ski friend spot and things are looking good.

For a while now, the kids had been BEGGING for a dog. Rich has always wanted a dog. But at the time we weren’t home a whole lot and I was really against the whole idea. Because I knew how it would go – the kids would lose interest in the daily duties of the dog, Rich would be at work. And then all of the sudden THAT dog is MY dog. And I’m the one doing all the work. So I told the kids if they could take care of a plant for 6 months, I would consider that the first step to getting a dog.

And they did that.

Then I told them we could get lizards. Low maintenance, contained.

And they did really well with the lizards – much to my dismay.

drawings all the time
Viv getting the full Cheer experience
friends while Finn skates
getting ready for band concert
first time skiing
Theo lunch dates

I was on the phone with my mom and showed her the room like this. I said “Look at this. This is how it looks every Saturday. Total disaster every week.”

She’s like “It looks like you have kids.”

Some snow came…

And during a trip to Costco – with all six of us in tow – a random man felt compelled to tell me in the check out line that he was a spiritual advisor and that Theo would grow up to be in Political Science and that he would be a very important person someday. Theo had just turned 6 and was wearing Cowboy boots and an Elmer Fud hat. So… when he sat down for his pizza, I took a picture of him so we can remember, and look back at the very beginning of his political career, haha.

Harry started working his way up the board on swim team.

Mornings were always with Theo.

And we started to get outside when it was sunny enough.

“Owl is a really good Uno player” Theo says
eggs with salsa, making me proud
Chicago Wolves hockey game
one of our last nights at school, Finn with his art

Then the hammer dropped and school shut down.

It was so cute how we started with a two-week closure. Wasn’t it? So cute.

Everyone was like “We got this… easy.” We’ll take two weeks off, then Spring Break. That’ll give the virus enough time to calm down in the area. And we’ll be back to school in a month. Everyone got up on time. Everyone happily attended their meetings. Everyone waved and said Hi to each other through the video screen with smiles.

There were enthusiastic “lists” of all of the virtual tours we could take around the world, and crafts we could do with our trash, and learning activities and chore boards. Outside of school time, we did virtual art lessons. We zoomed in with different zoos everyday. We listened to marine biologist talks. We listened to music. We worked our way through a list of “movies every kid needs to watch” including titles like “Annie,” “Back to the Future,” “Honey I Shrunk the Kids,” “Princess Bride,” “Ghostbusters,” “Indiana Jones,” Harry Potter, the entire Marvel Catalog…. you get the idea.

Wine was only once a week.

And you know, the overall attitude was very positive.

It was also during this time that Rich’s company transitioned to full remote, and the gym closed. Which meant that all six of us were confined to our 1600sq. ft. rental house – with no where to go… and Rich trying to work.

We had been weighing the options on house buying for the last year. When we moved back from London, we weren’t sure where we wanted to settle. We heavily considered Chicago, but also knew we liked a few “suburban” options. So, we rented in a very nice area to give ourselves some time to decide.

When we’re in full swing – activities, school, work, busy – you don’t really feel the small space as much. This house was actually bigger than our London house. And we spent three years there and I never really felt this cramped. But I’m here to tell ya… being forced all together into a tiny rental sorta speeds up that lets-think-about-a-house thought process just a bit.

I’m not going to admit the pandemic made us do it, but we started aggressively house hunting.

Theo turned six.

More outside time, thank the lord for all the green space near to us.

Viv’s essentials
time for hair cuts by mom
taking care of babies

Look at them, studying outside and sharing.


Then very low key, but still fun, Easter.

We looked all around the area and weighed our house options, quite obsessively. We landed on a little gem of a subdivision in a cute little town just outside Chicago. Close to transit to city (when that matters), close to expressway access (for when that matters), good schools, in the middle of a Target triangle (highly important), but also somehow very calm and quiet. All the homes are different and the lots are spacious and green and we kinda just had to live here. We found our house in the subdivision. We loved it. It was ours. Contracts were drawn, inspections done, we put a deposit on a puppy…. then on the last day of contingency the sellers used a loophole in the contract to take a higher offer. There’s some drama with that and I firmly believe they’ll have some negative karma coming around… BUT THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT NOW.

And we were devastated. Truly.

We went back to our realtor and kept looking. I noticed that one of the OTHER homes in the subdivision was listed with his partner. Previously I hadn’t considered this house because it was listed as a four bedroom, and also mostly because it was way over budget. Like…. WAY.

And I just asked him “You know our budget… would the sellers even entertain our top dollar offer? Like – is it a total waste of time for us to see this house?”

“No.” he says “Sellers are motivated. I’ll show it to you right now.”

And that’s exactly what he did.

And upon first sight, we loved it.

And it was like that first house – that we just lost – didn’t even exist.

Like, BYE.

It wasn’t perfect and it wasn’t up-to-date, but at this point in our house-living career we KNOW what we want. And we know what we don’t want. We know what’s important to us in a house. We know how we use the space. And we knew this house was the closest thing to perfect that we were going to find any time soon – even with every single room in 80’s wallpaper and multiple colored bathtubs. We can see past it all – to her beautiful solidly built bones, to the layout of the spaces – cozy, but spacious, to the footprint of the kitchen that I love with double ovens already there, to the way the light comes in all around the house. Sat back in a corner of a cul-de-sac, with a winding driveway, on a little over an acre with beautiful mature trees. It was listed as a four bedroom, but totally has five with room for more. Closets for days, and there’s not a single window that has a bad view.

Even though she’s a little out of date – she’s absolutely gorgeous and we can see it all.

This house was not only way better than the house-that-shall-not-be-named, we felt an immediate like “Whoa we dodged a bullet that we didn’t even know was coming at us.”

THANK GOD that other house fell through.

So. Next day – we just put our best foot forward and went in with our best offer.

And you know what?

Within the day, they accepted.


And again, if we’re honest, the unknowns of the pandemic probably made them do it.

But also – they were the original builders of this house and they lived in it for 30 wonderful years. They are happily retired in Arizona and now they can just chill knowing that they are passing it on to a family who will fill it with muddy shoe prints and play-doh stains and parties with friends and fires on the back deck.

They may have taken less than they wanted, but the Karma is swinging in their favor and I have a feeling they appreciate that type of thing.

So -AGAIN – we fired up the old moving machine.


We were so excited to get out of our rental and into our new place that we literally rented a truck on closing day and just moved right on over. We didn’t care if we were sleeping on the floor – which we were. My sister and her family came – BLESS THEM – and helped us.

And this was the weather on closing day morning, because of course it was.

We had both houses for a month, which meant that pressure was low. We started sleeping in the new house right away and slowly moving things over.

During this time – this exact time – when we are moving and in the middle of remote school and work, Rich decided to take up Sour Dough bread making.

The pandemic definitely made him do it.

He had a good run. He did.

But you know what? Making sour dough bread is incredibly difficult. And technical.

And best left to the experts.

I also discovered an ABSOLUTE parent hack during this time.

Pack your kids a lunch, even when you’re not going anywhere.

And let me tell you why.

I’m sure you can imagine the endlessness that exists with four children claiming hunger “three times a day” and the preparation and the cleaning up that is on endless repeat because of that. It’s a giant time suck. Truly.

So. We get up and make breakfast and I pack one lunch box and one dry snack box for each child. That is their allotted food for the day.

Then, I clean up the kitchen AND DO NOT RETURN UNTIL DINNER TIME.

That’s key. Did you hear that? DO NOT RETURN to the kitchen or field a question about snacks until dinner time. Or honestly, if you’re lucky like me your partner is taking care of dinner and you don’t even have to do that!

But.. all day long = refer to your allotted lunch or snack box child!

At end of day, dump boxes in soapy water and repeat again tomorrow.

In case you were wondering if we made a good first impression on the neighbors, the younger three decided to push themselves down the driveway on the sled, while yelling and singing; week one. But they did wear helmets of course, for safety.

are you tired from unpacking?
good brother playing dolls with Viv

We needed breaks from moving and explored all of the nature preserves near the house – of which there are plenty. Another reason we had to have this little spot.

Harry, coming in for late night talks.

Smore’s in the fireplace, lunches in the Gazebo, dinners on the deck, climbing in the trees, playing in the yard, tree swing.

It’s all here.

The house didn’t come without some issues that needed immediate attention – just to keep us humble, you know.

And then the real trouble began.

Excuse one: The kids did so well with their plants.

Excuse two: They did well with the lizards.

Excuse three: We got a house.

“I don’t want him pooping in the yard. That’s a deal breaker for me.” I said.

“I can train him to go in a certain designated potty area.” Rich said.

“He can’t shed or smell.” I said.

“We’ll get one thats hypoallergenic.” Rich said.

“You and the kids have to do the work.” I said.

“Absolutely.” Rich said.

Those were my conditions.

And then Rich and the kids ended up all being home ALL THE TIME with remote school and work.

And I no longer had any excuses.

I have to admit…. little George is quite charming.

For a dog.

And at the end of the year, he’s still not pooping in the designated potty area, but other than that he’s basically a perfect dog.

He really is. But don’t let him know I said it.

Harry turned eleven. Like he was just allowed to do that.

My mom found Rhubarb in our garden, so I made crisp.

The flower beds around the house were absolutely beautiful going into spring and summer and I didn’t have any idea what any of it was or what to do…

Then Viv had remote Preschool Graduation.

And Starbucks called me NeNe

And I’d like to say “we finished the school year strong” but ah… I think it was more like “we limped across the finish line”

Our subdivision has a horse farm. I mean…. dreamy

And then.

It was summertime.

Viv just casually playing with all of her toys at once.

We felt like taking the kids on a little walk around Wrigley. So we did that. And it was equal parts happy and sad.

Sunshine baby, Finn turned 9 and my birthday is in there too somewhere.

Pure Michigan…

This was how George went on “walks” for a while….

My brother and his fiance decided they’d just go learn to be doctors in Florida, and since everything else in life got cancelled, dad offered to put us up down there for a couple weeks. And you know, help the college kids get settled in… and spend everyday at the beach.

Independence Day fireworks on the beach… that someone just brought.

When we returned home, Vivian decided she wanted to get her ears pierced.

It was a very exciting day.

But she has since forfeited her earring-wearing life because she literally WOULD NOT let me clean them.

So – she’ll try again when she’s ready.

She also had her eye exam for Kindergarten and they dilated her eyes and sent her home with these makeshift sunglasses.

She asked me on the way home if I thought her classmates would like her sunglasses and it was at that point that I realized she thought these makeshift sunglasses were her new self.

Drinks on the back deck…. a little too often.

Setting up the art room…. but in the back of my mind, full of dread that it’s going to be the school room.

A special Viv day at the mall.

Kindergarten teeth

Theo day at the mall.

And the last bits of summer.

From the window I can see the kids in the neighbor’s super fun yard. They just run between our yard and theirs, like kids are supposed to do.

And then.

We were set to go back to school. In person.

5 full days. With protocols.

They said. They promised.

They talked about ratios and spacing and staff and masks. And all that.

And our district had the will and the way and WE WERE GOING TO SCHOOL.

And we had a virtual meet the teacher night, where they showed us the classroom and how everyone was going to walk in and stay separate and how everyone was going to walk out. And the supplies we were going to need – limited, only for use on the day and everything labeled and no sharing.

And pack a lunch.

And everything was gonna go.

Two days before we were supposed to go they called the whole thing off.

Come to supply pick up, we’re going full remote until we can figure out the new rules from the governor or something….. I don’t know….. I didn’t even care. I couldn’t even really read past FULL REMOTE.

So… anyway. Here’s our first day of school, remote. Filled with all of the exact excitement portrayed here. By both the children and myself.

There weren’t any extra art lessons, or zoo talks or tours of the Louvre.

There weren’t any afternoon movie times.

There weren’t any extra crafts.

There was no enthusiasm or waving to classmates.

We’re all just here.

There was, “log onto your very important “meeting” VIVIAN, sit there for three hours while you eat biscuits” and “go outside now everyone and I don’t want to hear or see you unless someone is bleeding. Thank you. Take your snack boxes out there too…”

A few weeks into school, as promised… once the school reconfigured into a hybrid model, we were allowed to send them to school.

Alternating days, full strict protocols. And everyone was beyond thrilled – even though Finn doesn’t look like it.

The 2020 wall

Harry kept at it on the swim team, and accomplished his goal of making it on the “Silver” Team, which is the next level up.

Like any thing else in life that’s good, it wasn’t just given to him. He had to work so hard, for so long. Swimming isn’t one of those things that you do once a week. It’s day in and day out. Mastering all four strokes all under certain times requirements, dives off the blocks, turns… all of it. He’s long and lean, with big feet – incredibly suited to be a swimmer.

And he did it.

On the day he made Silver – he literally cried.. and then you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

During the summer, I decided I was done staying home.

I’d like to blame the pandemic again.

But, this one has been brewing for a few years. This was just the year that I finally made the call.

It’s not like I don’t like being home with the children, or that I’m not grateful. I’ve just been at it for over ten years now and I’m ready to move on.

About a year ago I realized that I might want to go to nursing school and I started researching options. But at the time, Rich was working full time AND traveling and I just couldn’t envision being able to logistically do it.

Plus it seemed insane.

I continued to let it roll around in my brain month after month. And I also considered lots of other “new careers” and obviously I heavily considered teaching – which is what my first degree is in, and started looking for teaching jobs and substitute teaching positions. But I just realized I didn’t really want to do it anymore.

Things change as you get older.

And it became clear to me that the nursing path was my new path. However unexpected it may be.

For now, I’m tip-toeing in with a class at a time, meeting science pre-requisite requirements for an accelerated BA to BSN program. The pre-requisite classes will take me this school year to complete, and then the BSN program starts in fall 2021 and is another 16 months after that – and very intense.

Also – unrelated to school, I started a part-time job too.

Back in the spring, I told Rich “If the kids aren’t going to school in the fall, I’m getting a part time job.” And that’s what happened, and even though I knew I was starting school, I wanted to go ahead and get back out there in the mean time. I THOUGHT the kids would be in school and I could work mornings and study in the afternoons, and be able to handle everything all at once. Turns out they didn’t go to school. But with Rich home and a great team at my new job – we were able to make it work.

I really like it.

Home type of fun.

Hockey ran for a few weeks before being shut down.

Viv got to try for the first time and in true Viv fashion did better than all her brothers on their first day.

Halloween in the new neighborhood was so fun.

We found a local brunch spot that has stayed low-key open. And it saves us every Sunday.

I voted and took the boys!

And school shut down again.

And I mean, bless the teachers and the administrators and everyone doing their best – but I’m just super duper over it.

And together – as a parenting team – we just decided that we don’t care if our kids get their school work done anymore. Like, I’ll make sure they are conscious and propped in front of their device at the correct time (relatively). I’ll make sure they are fed. And I’ll probably ask THEM if they did their daily agenda or their exit ticket or whatever. But I ain’t doing a second check on that. I take your word for it.

But like… the bar is loooooooow here now.


beyond low

I work now and have my own classes. Rich has a full day, every day, of important meetings THAT PAY OUR BILLS.

So, like…. it’s sort of a fend-for-yourself type situation happening and we’re just trying to get through it.

Like, FOR EXAMPLE, if the school office called at 7:30 in the morning and I was still in bed, and they told me that Harry was “absent” from his “class” and then I went into his room and he was asleep on top of his bed with his laptop and then I told him to wake up and go to CLASS and then I went back to my bed…. like I’m pretty sure I won’t even blink. IF that WERE to happen it just wouldn’t really bother me that much.

It probably would’ve bothered me – in a world of the past. It probably used to be embarrassing or something.

But the pandemic…. you know.

We did a quick down and back to see family for Thanksgiving, and then Christmas time appeared out of nowhere. I wrapped up my classes, and lessened my shifts at work, and we had a very relaxing break.

Rich’s family came to visit.

And we travelled back downstate to be with family for a relaxing low key holiday.

That was the year in cliff-notes.

It absolutely flew by, and also took forever.

Like sometimes it was like Friday before I realized it was Wednesday and then other times it was like when is this day going to be over?

Even though there were plenty of disappointments and frustrations to go around, we had a lot of highs this year as a family. A lot to celebrate and be proud of.

And most of all we are blessedly healthy and ready for whatever is ahead.



The big guy.

Continues to amaze us. He’s thoughtful and supportive of his siblings. He’s detail oriented, sensitive, and very Type A. He’s a natural leader. He’s a helper. He’s habitual. He’s responsible. He loves to have his wind-down time at the end of the day – in his room by himself, sitting on his bean bag with popcorn and a Carnation instant breakfast shake. He loves to talk through allllll of the ideas and thoughts in his head.

He’s reluctantly still playing the Baritone. But we’ve required him to stick it out, reminding him that playing baritone in the basement by yourself isn’t real band. It’s not really. I understand why he wants to quit. But we hope once they return to normal band, he can find a way to enjoy it.

He’s not giving up on swim team though. Even though it’s a big time commitment, and physically and mentally draining for him he told me himself “Swimming is really good for me mom. It’s good for when I feel angry. And it’s good for my body and for my future. I know sometimes I get frustrated and upset, but don’t let me quit swim.”

He actually said that.

Sometimes he’s so clueless and sometimes he’s so insightful.

haha I guess that’s eleven.

Harry’s Birthday Interview:

How tall are you? Bout 5’3″ let me check! Nearly 5’3″

Now that you’re ELEVEN, what’s different? nothing

What’s your favorite food? I don’t have one. I like lots of food and they’re all my favorite.

Who is your favorite friend? I don’t have any… maybe Marc

What do you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know… daddy said that reptile breeding is a hobby

What does daddy do at work? He works. He just bosses everyone around.

What do you like best about Daddy and Mommy? I like best about them that they take care of me.

How strong is daddy? I don’t know. That doesn’t make sense.

What’s mom’s favorite thing to do? I don’t know. I don’t know her that well.

What’s your favorite thing about Finn, Theo and Viv? Finn – that he has long hair. Theo – he has long hair. Viv – that she has long hair.

What do you think of girls? rude and annoying

If you could have a super power, what would it be? Superspeed so I could run away from conversations like this

What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? That I never went to Michigan – actually no – when we got George. Actually no. When I didn’t get to go to Michigan. And roadtrip was kinda fun too.

Where do you want to go on vacation? Michigan – Detroit. To go to the reptile zoo.

Are you going to get married someday? probably not. because I won’t have a job.

How do you make cookies? Just put some chocolate chips in there and then you’re done.

Can you tell me a joke? I have no jokes, because you know all of them. When someone says a joke it’s kind of embarrassing for me.

What do you know about God and Jesus? they died. That God was on the cross and they both died.

Harry’s SECOND Birthday Interview: (he decided he wanted to do a second interview because he didn’t feel right about some of the answers he gave of his first round)

How tall are you? 5’2″

Now that you’re ELEVEN, what’s different? That I’m older

What’s your favorite food? stilll nothing

Who is your favorite friend? Marc

What do you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know yet

What does daddy do at work? he works, just bosses everyone around

What do you like best about Daddy and Mommy? they take care of me

How strong is daddy? okay 5

What’s mom’s favorite thing to do? probably go in the Sauna

What’s your favorite thing about Finn, Theo, and Viv? Finn is… Theo – that he’s always joining and he thoughtful and considerate. Viv – she is nice and loving and she’s very generous and empathetic. Finn – no offense but he’s kind of a jerk. But he is a good wrestler.

What do you think of girls? Rude and annoying except for the ones in my family

If you could have a super power, what would it be? super speed

What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? the road trip and getting the house and the dog

Where do you want to go on vacation? michigan – detroit.

Are you going to get married someday? i do. but it’s probably not going to happen. because i’ll have no job

How do you make cookies? i know you have eggs milk baking powder and you have to roll it up into balls and put them on the trays and bake them. and you want to make chocolate chip cookies, you add in the chocolate chips.

Can you tell me a joke? “Do you want me to tell you a construction joke?” “Yes” “I’m still working on it.”

What do you know about God and Jesus? That we celebrate about God and Jesus in Easter. Either one. And Christmas is Jesus birthday.



Sunshine baby.

Giving us a run for our money. Whew. He is stubborn. And headstrong.

He’s also HILARIOUS.

One time I was explaining to Harry what an elected representative body was. And I said “It’s like if the neighborhood needed to have a meeting to make some rules about the neighborhood. Each house could elect one person from their house to go to the meeting and represent them. Help to make rules for the neighborhood and make sure that someone from our house is there to be a part of the vote or making of the rules. So – inside our house we could take a vote on who should go to the meeting. We could vote and send you to the meeting.”

And without missing a beat, Finn, listening from the other side of the room goes “Oh. No. We can’t send Harry to the meeting.”

And he’s just like that all the time.

He’s also oddly confident, borderline cocky. Those things, in combination with his recent views on girls, has us dreading his teenage years – see interview questions below.

He has struggled the most with remote learning. Because he either thinks he already knows everything or that it’s too boring. He’s honestly probably our most naturally gifted, but he just doesn’t always have it together for school. He spends a lot of time playing RoBlox on his iPad but he also mows through any books I buy him. Like, within a day will read an entire book. And I sill often catch him referencing or looking at something is the science textbooks, or food science books I bought him.

He’s also gotten REALLY into cars this year. Which is fun, and different for us. He calls them out now as we drive around, and walk in parking lots. And he recently told me he’s going to be a Nascar driver when he grows up and he’s going to drive some sort of Acura.

He loves to eat and try new things. He loves to help in the kitchen, and he relishes when he can make an entire thing by himself. Lately it’s been sandwiches for him and Theo, and pudding parfait for the entire family where he makes the pudding and layers in his choices of the day.

Finn’s Birthday Interview:

How tall are you? 4 um 10 I think

Now that you’re NINE, what’s different about you? probably I’m less social… or maybe it’s because of Covid

What’s your favorite food? hot dogs

Who is your favorite friend? Austin

What do you want to be when you grow up? zoologist

What does daddy do at work? he’s a trading manager

What do you like best about Daddy and Mommy? Dad is really social and he makes all of the people who work for him laugh. And you’re always doing housework and stuff like that and that you make people laugh ALMOST as much as daddy bc daddy is hilarious

How strong is daddy? probably lift like, a hundred and twenty pounds

What’s mom’s favorite thing to do? I think it might be drawing or maybe…. cooking. I don’t know what you like to do best.

What’s your favorite thing about Harry, Theo, and Viv? Harry, he’s a take charge kind of guy which makes him kind of a leader. It’s kind of a good thing and kind of a bad thing. Its a good thing bc he always helps people, but it’s a bad thing when he punishes someone without real authority. Ya, kinda. Theo is very funny and social and me and him get along really well and we like the same things. Vivi is nice and she likes to laze around and play video games or watch a movie.

What do you think of girls? If they’re not hot, I’m not interested.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? The ability to fly.

What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? The cool toys I got for Christmas. And all the times we went to the beach.

Where do you want to go on vacation? Connecticut or somewhere north east.

Are you going to get married someday? Yes… it’s gonna be a hot blonde babe.

How do you make cookies? you need flour, chocolate chips, baking powder, sugar, and more chocolate chips. You mix the flour and the sugar and the baking powder to make a dough, then put chocolate chips in it. Then you put the dough in the oven and wait for it to rise.

Can you tell me a joke? Want to hear a construction joke?


Nevermind, I’m still working on it.

What do you know about God and Jesus? Jesus is God’s son and Jesus was sent down here to help with our religious thoughts and he had followers John the baptist and others. And when he died he went up to heaven then he lived there with God.



Bear, as in teddy bear.

Also known as everyone’s favorite.

All the kids love Theo the most. If there is a split happening on sitting arrangements at a restaurant, sleeping arrangements on vacation, or chore partner at home – everyone wants to be paired with Theo. When they drew names for a Christmas gift exchange they all wanted to get Theo. He is everyone’s friend. He is incredibly considerate, thoughtful, and loving. He’s generally happy to do whatever is happening. He’s generally happy to be with whoever is around.

He’s good at school; his teacher loves him and she told us so. He’s good at all sporty type activities. He loves to be outside and he wants to fish and hunt. He’s good at video games. He loves to read. He loves music and has several favorite artists and bands – and is more aware of song titles than any of the other kids. He makes friends easy and enjoys going the extra mile to maintain relationships often thinking about his teacher or friends at other random times. In the mornings, before afternoon Kindergarten, he would beg me to take him to the Kid’s Academy at the gym so that he could go hang out with his crew – even if I didn’t have plans to go during that morning.

He often thinks of me and will just make me a little sign that says “Love” and put it on my nightstand.

He’s just so much fun, and definitely the best kid we ever had.

Theo’s Birthday Interview:

How tall are you? I’m four foot one.

Now that you’re SIX, what’s different? That I’m taller and… umm…. and I’m a different age and I have new toys.

What’s your favorite food? RIBS

Who is your favorite friend? Zach

What do you want to be when you grow up? Vet.. I mean.. Reptile Breeder.

What does daddy do at work? He works to get money. He does ping pong and other stuff.

What do you like best about Daddy and Mommy? I like best about Mommy, she, she… ummm… she helped us buy this house. Daddy – um he plays with me and he also helped us get this house.

How strong is daddy? um. really strong. Stronger than Harry at least.

What’s mom’s favorite thing to do? Uh, workout and relax.

What’s your favorite thing about Harry, Finn, and Viv? My favorite thing about Viv is that she’s cute. My favorite thing about Finn is that he’s funny. I like about Harry is that he’s a weird guy.

What do you think of girls? That I don’t like them!

If you could have a super power, what would it be? Turn invisible.

What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? That is was my birthday.

Where do you want to go on vacation? Actually to Florida!

Are you going to get married someday? ahh. Maybe.

How do you make cookies? You get dough. You bake it. With chocolate chips in it. There you go! And put sugar in it!

Can you tell me a joke? “What did the snowman say to the other snowman?” “What?” “Do you smell carrots?” hahahaha

What do you know about God and Jesus? that they have magical powers. Like when I fell off my bike I would’ve got really really hurt but I didn’t get that much hurt because of God.



This girl is everything.

She’s tough. She’s a total princess. She’s loud. She’s loving. She’s persistent and strong. She plays with her dolls and wants to paint her nails. She runs with the boys and shoots nerf guns. She wants to be a part of everything that’s going on, no matter what it is. She’ll help do laundry or bake muffins or mop the floor or cuddle for a movie or whatever you’re doing. And she’ll talk the entire time. She wants to be with everyone, all the time.

Vivian’s Birthday Interview:

How tall are you? Like… I don’t know. no idea.

Now that you’re FIVE, what’s different? I didn’t like bacon and now I do.

What’s your favorite food? Pizza and a parfait

Who is your favorite friend? Emma!

What do you want to be when you grow up? um I want to be a vet

What does daddy do at work? he… he gets money

What do you like best about Daddy and Mommy? Daddy that he got me a lion-corn. Mommy she tucks me in a gives me kisses.

How strong is daddy? Very!

What’s mom’s favorite thing to do? She likes to spend time with me?

What’s your favorite thing about Harry, Finn, and Theo? That’s a hard one, haha…. Harry I like his bearded dragon and I don’t know. Finn – wheew, that’s a hard one, I don’t know. Theo – he plays with me.

What do you think of boys? I’m fine with them. Only I hate them if they’re bullies.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? Turn invisible! So I could sneak in your room and get your phone and play SnapChat hahahaha

What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? I love my family

Where do you want to go on vacation? go to London and go inside the castle

Are you going to get married someday? NOOoooo I want to stay with my own family, this family.

How do you make cookies? You have to roll the bread. Then you get a star shape and put it on there. Then you put frosting on, then you put on the sparkle thing. And that’s all.

Can you tell me a joke? Yes. Knock Knock.

(who’s there)


(Banana who?)

Knock knock

(who’s there?)


(banana who?)

Knock knock

(who’s there)


(Orange who?)

aren’t you glad i didn’t say orange, hahahaha

What do you know about God and Jesus? They both have powers and God died from the cross. And that’s all.



“What is up with that Jurassic Park theme song?” Finn

“I’m really smart. I have plans in my head.” Vivian

(as we are heading to brunch at a restaurant) “Should I wear a crown?” Vivian

“Mom. We wrote a song. We want to sing it for you. It’s called Butt Cheeks.”

(At Denny’s) “We haven’t been here in a few days” Theo

“Going to the pool is the best idea” Vivian

“I was going to hold your hand” Me

“I’m 5 now, so I’m fine” Vivian

“Did you guys pick out a treat at the store?” Me

“Yes. But we didn’t deserve it. I was being obnoxious and Finn was being a jerk.” Harry

“I love it when you and daddy kiss. It’s SOOO ROMANTIC!” Vivian

(Theo painting his nails with Viv) “I just love this amazing smell! (of nail polish) I wish I had my own pot so I could smell it all the time.” Theo

“Are you a farter? Daddy is.” Vivian

“Mom. Can you take my picture with my donut? Wait! Let me put on a dress!” Vivian

“Viv – put on your adventure shoes!” Finn

“I suck when I cry” Theo

“Hey, don’t touch these clothes. They’re really nice and brand new. I got them a year ago.” Theo

“I look fabulous with pigtails.” Vivian

“Look how adorable I am.” Vivian

“George is way too cute for discipline.” Finn

“Nobody is too cute for discipline.” Me

“But he is literally the cutest thing on earth.” Finn

“I’m just scratching the tip of the ice burg.” Finn

“How do I unwrap this cheese patty?” Finn (opening a Kraft cheese single)

“When we build a play house, can we put a chandelier in it?” Vivian

“You look so cute with those sandals on.” Theo, to Vivian

“I just want to punch Covid right in the sucker, so it can be over and I can go back to playing hockey.” Finn

“Hey I know. When the virus is over let’s invites everyone in the kingdom over and have a giant party.” Vivian

“I feel sorry for your one little brain cell. It must be lonely.” Finn, to Harry

“What have you guys been doing?” Me

“Oh, just talking about slapping butts.” Harry

(Just randomly, to herself) “Yes. My heart is French.” Vivian

(falling on the slip-and-slide) “I’m ok! But my dignity isn’t.” Finn

“Does Santa make the toys?” Rich

“Yes. Wait no. It’s the elves.” Vivian

“No! People in China make all the toys.” Finn

“My classmates are the exact opposite of me.” Harry

“So they are delightful?” Finn

“I like it in George’s crate. It’s actually really comfy.” Theo

(When going to material pick up) “I’m going to see my teacher’s BODY?!?” Vivian

(In September) “Mom. What are we gonna do in the spring?” Vivian

“What do you mean?” Me

“Are we gonna have a picnic in the sunshine?” Vivian

“Oh ya, I’m sure we will.” Me

“Ok, well make sure you bring cherries.” Vivian

“Get wrecked son!” Vivian, while playing nerf guns

“Did you know I’m outdoorsy? I’m not an inney” Vivian

“If Viv is scared, can she come into my bed and I can rub her back?” Theo

“Can we have a meal that you put thought into?” Finn

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